
Red Bag: A Retreat

After the tragic incident in May 19, 2010. I was so depressed and sad, took a time off from the internet and made this bag. Thanks to Pom, my roommate who currently bought a new sewing machine.

For me, with a lot of helps from the machine, my two roommies (Pom and Som)'s ideas and two hands - putting together, now I have a new bag for my laptop.

It was such a retreat, to spend sometimes not to think of anything much and turn yourself far from the screen for a while. For almost three days, it wasn't bad and I made it.

ิBut start thinking that the bag turns out too cute to me. I don't know that I will carry around much. However, I will give it a try.

'I will give it a try.' I will give myself a try to move on with my life as well. Sounds sad but it's life and I have to learn to live with all things I have been given. The things I have to face everyday. Sadness and pain, and disappointment make us even become stronger. (I suppose so).

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