
A Memories Keeper

Dear Mr. Bolster,

Tonight, I had a nightmare again. Every time when I have the nightmare, I think of you the most. Wish you were here with me, when I carefully opened up my eyes which the bad dream scenes were still clearly attached on my two eyes.

While I was writing this letter to you, my rights hand hardly hold the pen, and even harder to keep the letters’ shape proper and let them walking right along on the line.

My wide-eyes and shaking body are so awaken in this middle of the night, surrounding with the moon light. I poorly have no one to think of at all, beside you.

It already has been such a long time; we have no more seeing each other, and I have never received or heard your voice come through from the phone. Of course I have been trying make a call to you. There always is just the boring melody tone in response. But I have never forgotten you.

I would like to let you know, ‘it is really hard to forget someone in life, especially, the one was bonded to you, and used to think he always be there, always stays beside you.’

Every time when people, our friends, mention about your name, I often got a smile on my face. It inspires me to imagine of your face shape-line, tone of voice, shape of your lips and your soft hair. Including the way you walk, the way you are waving hands while you are so deep and enjoy in the conversation. I can also still feel the cold and warm touch on your skin, your eyes-reflection from the bad or happy thoughts are so shining in my memory.

I remember all things about you, Mr. Bolster; never let them fall apart from the long distance or get them off from the road of remembrance. It has seemed to be the very long lonely road since you certainly walked away from me.

Do you recall of the story you have told me?

The story of the little girl who get lost into the deep jungle, the isolated land from all human kind’s perception, in the forest which is like…

‘The un-indicated territorial land, endless street, which lie down on the world surface, seemed to be in the imaginative country, have not been bothering by any creatures.’

‘It is filled up with emptiness, seemed to be a base of un-existed state, un-located nation, untouchable ground.’

‘But it really exists in the remembrance sphere. It slowly moves which nearly stays still creeping in the various speed of motion, it is quite half of dream and memory.’

These elements have never faded away from my thought and mind.

Well-memorized of me, you also said you were like the little girl.

The girl got lost and maybe could not get out from the wilderness. The end of the story gives no solution; how the girl finds the way out of the deep forest or neither successfully walks back to her home nor might have not seen herself out of the forest again.

You mentioned once you have visited that forest before. You carelessly whispered discovering the route to go to that place to me.

“Just close your eyes, you will reach there.”

I had never understood, could not find the appropriate way to attain. Till after you have gone. I had been trying days after days, rarely eat and hardly sleep. At the moment, I knew if I could not see you in the real life any more, I would try my best to reach you in the place you often like to live in.

I now bet my ability is so far so much better than yours. I presently arrive there without closing my eyes, no more.

The jungle is called ‘World of remembrance’, isn’t it?

I discovered, reached and recognized it pretty well.

Some trees are so fresh and quite colorful, which are labeled ‘a new brand’ memories. Just found in front of our eyes, then moved down deep inside us, stamped on the provided special space for them. How important the illustrations are, they will flow to the different keeping boxes, more precious and impressive than regular memories.

All the memories will be well-kept in the boxes with the proper temperature, suitable for any chemical compounds they are. Whenever you would love to recall them, just go there and open up the box you keep them. How many times you unlock the box or just give an unofficial or un-intently glance, how much you would realize all things inside are more and more shining and warmer.

Days after days are passing by to become a month, and difficultly avoid being years. The world of memories might be washed, rotten, and gone away. It actually depends on the keepers, of how many times they recall them, how many times they visit these places? Some keepers leave some distance between them and the jungle, just walking around on the edge; some of them still have never forgotten the jungle remains there, some lost things forever.

Obviously, some keepers let it go by seldom visiting the forest. The trees finally have ran away from them also, and fearfully become permanent gone.

Mr. Bolster. That kind of lost always hurt me. I can feel the depressing cold wind is coming, and is going to occupied everything here. Unpredictable pain is running with the water through my eyes.

Because for all of the memories are treasure of mine.

One says ‘time doesn’t erase anything, people do.’

They are only things I can keep, admire and feel like swimming among the satisfaction, in every day, in every moment, or whenever I want to. Although there are both happy and sad boxes, I just extremely enjoy just conceiving them.

I neither have no desire to forget any thing about you, nor have never ignored to remember…

Thank you, Mr. Bolster to introduced me to the wonder land. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing and whoever you are with. Please know that I always think of you. Think of the little girl in your story. Think of you when you are sleeping, taking a deep breath-in and out beside my body.

I am trend to write you a letter every time I got a bad dream. I am getting better after I wrote to you, less in fear and lonesome. Could reduce some distance between us. Do you think so?

By writing you a letter without knowing your address or where to send to might sound so strange. But still hoping my words are on the paper will somehow reach you somehow you will hear them read itself to you.

One last thing that I want to tell you, the box I keep our memories, have no gray pictures, not rotten or tear apart throughout the length of running time. I will take good care of it. I promise.

I still hope one day you will let me see your face again. For once more time after you shared the secret escaping world to me, about the secret of how to seek for having happiness by your own.

A tiny appeal at last, please guides me to the way to get rid of the nightmare that has been happening since you have gone. Please…

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